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Monday, December 30, 2024
Yes, this is the 2nd post for the day, and I suspect they’re going to look like this a bit from this point forward, and I’m not going back and deleting that entire line because it just makes me ill to read it, and also, I’m pushing through to make it to the end of the paragraph. Might just start numbering this, old school journal style. Stay tuned.
Working through ideas on this, but in looking under the hood of my own dealing with a late stage diagnosis for autism, feels like something I’d like to know a little bit about for me, and something that might be useful for others. Watch this space for more notes on that as it goes along.
I start things over again because I tell myself that’s energy I can sustain and I need that injection of optimism into the day and into a stalled routine to get me moving again. Working through that, because I’m really good at starting things, just not finishing them. I’m not alone in that, but the narrative for myself is that is who I am, and that feels like something I can do differently, one step at a time.
Restarting (see above) Geoff Neupert’s Kettlebell Maximorum for a couple of reasons:
- I started doing his recommended warmup
- That was more of a smoker than I anticipated. I’ve been tinkering with kettlebells since the lockdowns hit in 2020 (bought the last 24kg they had in stock at a Dick’s), and while I haven’t been as consistent as I would like, they’ve become a staple of my workout plans.
Right now I’m doing this:
- Maximorum (either snatches, or clean press and front squats)
- 5 x 15 2hd Kb swings, 24kg, EMOM 1:30
- Walk 2 miles
That’s 4x weekly, then some longer walks/rucks/rowing on the “off” days. I’d put more detail on the Maximorum, but it’s a paid program, and happy to answer questions if you’ve got any, but if you’re interested, pay the man and pick up a copy of the program for yourself, I guess.