Finding A Voice

Finding A Voice

Kicking the tires on a daily writing practice, and more specifically a daily blogging practice, since it’s going to be 2025 soon and my timing as always is impeccable.

Sitting here as I’ve done for countless hours over the years looking at my Google Calendar and crafting the “perfect” writing schedule to make all that happen, ducking and dodging The Muse in and effort to Find My Voice, something “artists” talk about regularly. And I put that in quotes because so many of us are artistic caddies, counseling others who are brave enough to get into the arena, but doing very little work ourselves.

I’m past the point of knowing that it just takes getting in the seat and putting words down. I know that creativity hits me somewhere mid page once the words do things that look like sentences. Where I’m at now is asking myself what kind of artist/writer I want to be, and the answer to that lies somewhere ahead of me, after I’ve put a few miles and lines down, somewhere after putting some more time into the craft.

I have some idea what my voice is, but I suspect that too will change with time and more mileage on the words. Taking the additional step of blogging more personally here on, and less so, but still daily, in other forums.

In the past that would have been about sheltering the artist from the art, and I’ve always found some usefulness in the lint mining navelgazery, if nothing else to spark something greater. Might not even worry about titles for a while, just show off the exercise book in all its grime and glory.