A blog by any other name
Friday, April 26, 2024
Something about having a “blog” has taken me back to a previous version of myself that I didn’t know existed.
I never really had a personal blog.
Not TypePad, Blogger, MySpace.
Updated Facebook for a while, but nothing like a blog.
I’d try a few entries, then it always felt a little too navel gaze-y, and lint mining just isn’t my thing, not really.
Ran across Pika, and while it’s not the only one out there trying to bring back a simpler time on the web, they’re my current favorite.
But then, for all its bloat, Ghost?
Pretty freaking cool.
Think I’m just going to stick with date entries for now, rather than coming up with a headline.
Treat this as it should be, a space, to paraphrase Asimov, to think through my fingers.