The hater in the mirror


We’ve all had them.

In my head they’re Luther and his Rogues from 1982’s The Warriors and they keep taunting me to come out to play.

Except it’s not Luther out there.

It’s the Luther in my head.

The voice that tells me this won’t work.

That disaster awaits.

And I might as well go back to bed.

Pull the covers over me head.

Wait for the world’s inevitable end.

Might as well be comfortable when it happens.

That’s Ego.

Doing me the service of safety.

Protecting me from harm, imagined or otherwise.

The otherwise coming from past experience, however tangential to this moment it may be.

Then Self starts knocking on the door of the room Ego locked it in.

And the Yonaka kicks off.

Hey there, how you been?

I’m that voice in your head, and I know you been aching

When you find me, let me in

I got power in my hands, and it’s yours for the taking

When life is less than it could be, or once was, it’s easy to forget my own power.

Hard to remember that it’s about a choice.

One I make over and over again.

The choice that moves me forward.

Step by step.

I’m aching, but I’m letting me in.

And I’m going out to play.