Proof of NT life
Saturday, March 16, 2024
No idea what it’s like for you neurotypicals but the “introduce yourself to a potential employer” self-recorded video to this particular neurodivergent since I can’t and won’t speak for the rest of the NDs on the spectrum feels like I’m being my best most engaging self because I don’t have any feedback from an audience to gauge how I’m coming across and then when I watch myself in the playback I look like I’m presenting proof of life under duress but there’s no Russell Crowe out there ready to rush to my aid so I have to save myself so I’ll do it again and try to think what an NT would look like when they’re happy and present that but again since the only feedback is myself I end up looking like a cross between an angry chimp grimacing to make a point about territory and an android whose person suit is malfunctioning which is fine if you’re Zuckerberg and you’ve made billions because you got that useful ‘tism but for the rest of us not so blessed with the computer smarts it means we’re reduced to doing 1-2 minute introductions of ourselves that make us come across like that bug in MIB who kept stretching his face to look more human which is fine if we’re helping reboot Will “Slappy” Smith’s career but otherwise that’s a no from most hiring managers.